Upcoming Whitepaper + Website [Feedback Requested]

Author: @danner.eth @rochelle

We’ve got big news – we’re getting ready to launch our whitepaper! And with it, we’re building a MetricsDAO website.

Over the past couple months, we have been running experiments to test out various aspects of our Organized On-Demand Analytic Delivery. These experiments have been critical to fine tuning our process at MetricsDAO and have informed our approach for future implementations.

Our whitepaper will lay out the vision and provide grounding for the next stage in the growth of our community and product. This is a foundational piece of content that will drive alignment and can bring more participants and contributors to our organization.

Due to the importance of this content, we are pursuing a contract with the design firm H3L (https://h3lag.com) who can make this shine and give it the shine it deserves!

The total amount for this contract will be 8,240 USDC paid from our treasury at MetricsDAO.eth.

It will be split into 2 payments of 4,120 USDC each.

We’re excited to get this content in front of you and out into the market!

We have two moodboards from H3L we’d love thoughts on! Which one do you like better?

We need to make a decision by 6pm EST Sunday

  • Dark Color Theme
  • Light Color Theme

0 voters


Excited about this! I voted for the light color scheme – while dark schemes are currently popular in crypto, I feel like the lighter background and cleaner design is more indicative of clarity MDAO seeks to provide through organized data delivery.


What resources would be required to have both themes and a toggle switch?


Wow, those look really good! I usually have a dark theme where I can but here the light one looks better imo

If possible, having the two be toggle-able would be amazing!

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I think that when you look at both, there is actually a lot more going on than just the color. So it’s more about the design elements than the overall color.

I am sure we can add a toggle feature in the future!

dark mode looks HOT. mint it

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tbh think I like dark mode design elements better but light color overall

Might have to go rogue and request a light mode toggle on a dark website?

Going to vote tomorrow

I’m torn as well… in general I’m 100% dark mode and would prob prefer it for browsing. but the light mode looks cleaner from these examples

Wow, this is sick! I am from the “Darkness” but in this case hard to say no to light too. My vote is however in favor of the dark theme, the reason is those elements are in sync with the crypto vibe and mentality imo.

Love the light theme, looks really slick! Looking forward to seeing this go live :smiley:

I love the dark theme, but gotta say CatJam’s input is pretty good. White-space symbolises clarity and openness…

Voted for dark just 'cause it’s lighter on the eyes, though.

Basically my thinking is that black on white is really a relict of the paper era. Black print, white pages. But makes no sense for screens, who are naturally black.

I think the light one looks better. More sunshine and positive hahaaa

Darkside! :smiling_imp: I think the MetricsDAO logo pops better on the dark background as well. :slight_smile:

The logo is amazing in color! Definitely. Wonder if there’s a way to keep the logo color and go light?

Abstain enthusiastically. I would rather review a thousand words than review a picture! If the world were to listen to my design choices it would be a much, much uglier place. Would love to review the white paper though!

Big fan of the light mode - it does have cleaner and simpler elements overall which is nice for a user interface.

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