Add ql-crypto to the Multisig [Proposal Passed]


This is a proposal to add ql-crypto as a signer to the multisig and to increase our required signers to 4 out of 7. As the leader of our Treasury pod, it makes sense to empower ql-crypto to be able to access the interface on Parcel and to assist in signing transactions.

Our Treasury report for February was completed by ql-crypto and can be viewed here: Treasury Report: February 2022

Current State:

6 signers

All transactions require 3 signers


chief.jdcook.eth - 0x019700312686B2EE895679A841aB0D6423D9b990

sunslinger.eth - 0x5970C498244CE30248711497b7886fecA0077423

chris.eth - 0xE61f3AEa84D7dc7429F46a96B8df767A120159b8

danning.eth - 0xFf8D58f85a4f7199c4b9461F787cD456Ad30e594

j1mmy - 0xc30470477Bcd9514FAb4f6ba2F709c9c0e4Ee561

key.danner.eth - 0xccC3330A95D9F83e2aFAA68911BB52468E2B26FE

Proposed State:

7 signers

All transactions require 4 signers


jdcook - 0x019700312686B2EE895679A841aB0D6423D9b990

sunslinger - 0x5970C498244CE30248711497b7886fecA0077423

chris.eth - 0xE61f3AEa84D7dc7429F46a96B8df767A120159b8

danning.eth - 0xFf8D58f85a4f7199c4b9461F787cD456Ad30e594

j1mmy - 0xc30470477Bcd9514FAb4f6ba2F709c9c0e4Ee561

danner.eth - 0xccC3330A95D9F83e2aFAA68911BB52468E2B26FE

ql-crypto - 0x1abc461532f8d4e56b55ebe2abf31c1ba4d29516

Next Steps:

Following the process described in Establishing MetricsDAO Governance: Phase 1 (Establishing MetricsDAO Governance: Phase 1 [Vote])…

This poll will be live for 3 days - if it passes with a simple majority & 20 vote minimum quorum, it moves to the official committee vote 24 hours later.

The official committee vote is held in the Leadership channel where the Governance Committee can vote. A simple majority with a >51% quorum by the Governance Committee is required for the vote to be binding.

If this proposal is accepted, we will add ql-crypto as a signer within 7 days of the Governance Committee vote and increase the required signer count to 4 out of 7.

As the final signer must pay gas, we will reimburse the gas to this signer with the multisig using gasless transactions on Parcel.

  • YES - Add ql_crypto and adjust to 4/7 signers
  • NO - Do not add ql_crypto and remain at 3/6 signers

0 voters


Strong agree! This has numerous operational benefits and 4/7 feels aligned with where we want to be.


great evolution – definitely in favor of having more multi-sig signers who are trusted & active members of the DAO!

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ql-crypto is an exceptional member of the community, and more multi-sig members is definitely worthwhile. strongly in favor of this


Fully support this proposal! Was very impressed by the quality and transparency of the Treasury report linked above. Also trust that all signers will continue to act in the best interest of the DAO.

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Hi all! The binding vote has officially gone live with the Governance Committee and will be closing on April 13th at 2pm est.

We will keep you posted on the results.


The MetricsDAO Governance Committee vote has closed, and the committee has voted in favor of adding ql-crypto to the multisig - expanding signers to 4/7.

Results of the poll below. In summary, 16 total votes (16 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstain) with 51% quorum reached (16/26 = 61.5%).


This has been executed!

@ql-crypto.eth is now a signer, and our threshold is 4/7

Here is the tx:

This gas will be reimbursed to @sui414 as she was the final signer