Note: this proposal has been updated to fit the proposal template. Thanks to @naan for their work and guidance on this!
Title: Amending the Constitution to Integrate a Legal Entity
Author(s): catjam#6271
Type: Social
Dependencies: MetricsDAO Constitution
Replaces/Amends: MetricsDAO Constitution
Short Summary:
This is a proposal to amend the MetricsDAO constitution to incorporate MetricDAO’s new legal status.
In July of 2022, MetricsDAO was formally incorporated as MetricsDAO Assoc, a non-stock, non-profit Delaware corporation. This incorporation helps secure MetricsDAO’s legal standing and sets the organization up for continued growth.
Proposal Details:
As part of the incorporation process, we now need to ratify the bylaws of the organization that formally outline the purpose of MetricsDAO, requirements for membership, and responsibilities of members and designated leaders within the organization. In drafting the bylaws, we sought to build upon the governance process established in the MetricsDAO Constitution, which ties votes to badges distributed to members, leverages a two layer system for the passing of proposals, and utilizes optimistic governance to allow for rapid development of efforts.
In addition to ratifying the bylaws, we also seek to designate a signatory on behalf of MetricsDAO. This person will have the authority to sign contracts and other legally binding documents on behalf of MetricsDAO. It’s important to note that designating a signatory does not remove the role of governance for any contracts or proposals. All agreements must be passed through the established governance process, and the signatory will execute them only after they have passed. The signatory is not a permanent position and may be replaced by the DAO following a proposal put forward and voted on by members of the Governing Council.
As part of this proposal we put forward Daphne Kwon (DaphneK#0688), GM of DAO at Flipside Crypto, to be designated as the first signatory. As leader of Flipside’s DAO efforts, we feel Daphne has the context and expertise to act as an effective signatory for MetricsDAO.
The full bylaws can be viewed here: MetricsDAO - Bylaws (Delaware Charitable Nonstock) 4131-9585-0809 3.pdf
Voting Outcomes and Next Steps:
Voting Yes: Move forward with ratifying these bylaws for MetricsDAO and incorporate them into the constitution
Voting No: Moving the constitution to another draft phase while considering the input that comes with ‘no’ votes