Title: Ratifying the MetricsDAO Constitution
Author(s): ananth (naan#1447)
Type: Social
Dependencies: None
Replaces/Amends: The current governance system as established here:
Short Summary:
This is a proposal introducing a constitution to MetricsDAO.
Having a constitution allows us to have a solid point of reference to come back to as we continue to expand and try new things.
Proposal Details:
As MetricsDAO has grown, it’s important to reaffirm its core values as well as improve and adapt processes that are critical to the DAO. To this end a constitution has been drafted that establishes our values and codifies a new set of governance processes. Some changes to these processes include tying votes to badges distributed to members, establishing a two layer system for the passing of proposals, and utilizing optimistic governance to allow for rapid development of efforts.
The proposed constitution can be found here: [Public Draft 03] MetricsDAO Constitution. If the constitution is ratified, it and any documents it links to will be posted to a more permanent and public platform such as GitBook.
Voting Outcomes and Next Steps:
Voting Yes: Move forward with ratifying and publishing the MetricsDAO constitution
Voting No: Moving the constitution to another draft phase while considering the input that comes with ‘no’ votes