Title: Adopt the MetricsDAO Code of Conduct
Author(s): mar1na (catscatscode)#3578, catjam#6271, Rochelle#9484, PCWCFA#0438
Type: Social
Dependencies: MetricsDAO Constitution
Replaces/Amends: None
Short Summary:
This is a proposal introducing a Code of Conduct for the MetricsDAO community to abide by.
MetricsDAO is growing, experimenting and learning. To help our community remain a safe and inclusive space throughout our growth, it is important to proactively outline a set of standards to be upheld by community members.
Proposal Details:
Following a round of community feedback during September 15-22, 2022, this proposal recommends the following Code of Conduct be adopted by the MetricsDAO community, where it will be publicly visible and can be referred to if the need arises.
The Code of Conduct should be a living document, and evolve together with MetricsDAO.
This Code of Conduct references the MetricsDAO Constitution.
This Code of Conduct was informed and inspired by the experiences and learnings of other communities. Links to references, and licensing details where applicable, are provided in the Acknowledgements section of this Code of Conduct.
Voting Outcomes and Next Steps:
Voting Yes: Move forward with adopting and publishing the MetricsDAO Code of Conduct.
Voting No: Moving the Code of Conduct to another draft phase while considering the input that comes with ‘no’ votes.
MetricsDAO Code of Conduct
MetricsDAO is growing, experimenting and learning. To help us continue moving towards our goals and remain in sync with our values it is important to outline a set of standards to be upheld by community members. The goal of creating this Code of Conduct is to proactively clarify the expectations around putting MetricsDAO values into practice through daily actions. This community is currently a safe and inclusive space, and the following Code of Conduct will enable our community to retain these qualities as we learn and grow.
This Code of Conduct is created to help uphold the values of MetricsDAO through daily actions of all community members. Our foundational values are outlined in the MetricsDAO Constitution.
MetricsDAO foundational values are:
- Collaboration
- Curiosity
- Integrity
- Inclusiveness
- Scientific rigor
- Transparency.
MetricsDAO and the MetricsDAO community exist to produce the best analytical outputs in the blockchain data space.
We believe that collaboration and building in public lead to producing the best analytics. To quote @danner.eth, “Science never happens in a dark room alone!” We believe that crucial elements of a collaborative analytical process include:
- learning from one another’s work,
- forking code to improve upon it and add unique contributions,
- creating work that lasts,
- publicly sharing and constructively discussing one’s own and each other’s work whenever possible, to exchange ideas and crowdsource improvements,
- always transparently offering acknowledgments where they are due: for instance, when forking code or otherwise taking inspiration from other analysts.
Code of Conduct
Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:
- Demonstrating empathy and kindness towards others. Assume positive intent in circumstances where you disagree or feel uncomfortable by another’s perspective.
- Giving and gracefully accepting constructive, timely, and specific feedback. Whenever possible and appropriate, we deliver feedback in public in our Discord server. For instance:
- respectfully and constructively pointing out an error by requesting support in a public channel,
- providing a gentle and professional reminder of this Code of Conduct in a public reply message,
- and other appropriate circumstances where offering kind, respectful, and constructive feedback in public helps enact MetricsDAO values, among them transparency and collaboration.
- Prioritizing learning over being right. When we make mistakes, we accept responsibility, apologize to those affected, and learn from the experience.
- Communicating any errors you feel may have been made in a respectful and constructive manner. We are a community of passionate and committed humans building something that did not exist before, and we are dedicated to owning and fixing the mistakes that may occur, and learning from them. Assume positive intent on the part of MetricsDAO, the unintentional nature of possible oversight, and a commitment to rectifying issues.
- Disclosing conflicts of interest proactively when they occur in order to focus on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community.
- Respecting others’ right to privacy and confidentiality.
- Disagree and commit: We will not always agree on the challenging issues we tackle as a DAO, but we have a responsibility to work as a team and support decisions once they have been made.
- Communicating openly, assuming positive intent, and finding win-win solutions.
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
- Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks. This includes, but is not limited to: the use of sexualized language or imagery, sexual advances, or any derogatory comments made on the basis of age, race, gender, personal or political beliefs, or other identifying characteristics.
- Publishing others’ private or personal information without their explicit permission.
- Degrading the work, contribution, or compensation of another community member.
- Making threats or ultimatums against MetricsDAO or degrading any of our partners in the ecosystem.
- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting.
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is representing the community in public spaces.
Engaging with and correcting unwanted behavior
If a person or group within MetricsDAO or outside our organization violates one of these principles, we encourage community members to correct them quickly and respectfully.
Avenues for appropriate and considerate delivery of feedback may vary by circumstances, but whenever possible and appropriate we prefer public discourse in our community spaces.
- Transparency in our community is enhanced when we publicly have respectful and constructive discussions of any issues and disagreements, and if necessary – offer kind reminders of the common goals, values, and standards outlined in this Code of Conduct.
- Moreover, conversations that are had in public can generate additional helpful information and assistance from the broader team and community toward error resolution (as opposed to receiving information from just one person at a time in DMs).
Individuals who are not responsive to feedback (as determined by MetricsDAO) on their unacceptable behavior, and individuals who repeatedly and/or severely break our code of conduct, will be subject to further action outlined in the Escalation Path section of this Code of Conduct.
Escalation may result in offboarding from our community.
Escalation Path
Definition of Violation
An instance of violation is anything that fits an entry in the Examples of Unacceptable Behavior section of the Code of Conduct.
MetricsDAO supports building in public, collaboration, and an open source analytical process – this includes forking others’ work with proper acknowledgments of the original author(s) and with the purpose of adding and improving upon it.
Plagiarism is different from building upon others’ work with attribution. Plagiarism – using all or part of others’ work without proper attribution, and for purposes other than building upon it, improving upon it, and/or taking it in a new direction – goes against the values of MetricsDAO and will not be accepted. Community members who engage in plagiarism will be excluded from participation in MetricsDAO and any of its activities at the discretion of the DAO.
If you wish to bring attention to a behavior that is not in line with this Code of Conduct, please contact MetricsDAO.
Community manager can independently place a timeout on the violator based on the number of violations:
- One violation: 1 day timeout
- Two violations: 1 week timeout.
Timeouts cannot be appealed.
Offboarding of DAO members (roles listed in the Constituents & Bodies section of the Constitution) will follow the Special Circumstances section of the MetricsDAO Constitution.
Participants and other community members not covered by the previous paragraph may be offboarded from the community and banned from participating in MetricsDAO activities after repeated and/or severe violations of the Code of Conduct. In this case agreement on a ban must be reached by at least 3 MetricsDAO contributors, including at least 1 governor (elected leader of a pod). All of these contributors and governors must hold the corresponding MetricsDAO-issued badges for these roles for the same season when the decision is made. If the determination occurs in MetricsDAO’s off-season period, they may hold these badges for the directly preceding season.
MetricsDAO seasons are quarterly as outlined in the Seasons section of the Constitution, with two-week off-season periods between them. Exact season dates are announced in Discord.
Ban Appeals
MetricsDAO has the option but not the obligation to hear server ban appeals at least a month after the date of the ban. An appeal will be voted by Governors using a simple majority with 51% quorum.
This Code of Conduct was informed and inspired by the experiences and learnings of other communities, and contains sections (some adapted, some in full) and inspiration from:
- Index Cooperative’s Code of Conduct, including the original Code of Conduct (2020, copyright and related rights waived via CC0) and the public forum discussion of the updated version in 2021.
- Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct version 2.1 (CC BY 4.0 License).
- Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines version 3.1 (CC BY-SA 3.0 License).
Voting Outcomes and Next Steps:
Voting Yes: Move forward with adopting and publishing the MetricsDAO Code of Conduct.
Voting No: Moving the Code of Conduct to another draft phase while considering the input that comes with ‘no’ votes.