Title: External Delegation of $SAFE Voting Power
Author(s): naan(naan#1447)
Type: Social
Dependencies: MetricsDAO Constitution
Replaces/Amends: N/A
Short Summary:
This is a proposal to claim the DAO’s allocation of $SAFE from the airdrop and delegate the voting power to Flipside Governance.
While MetricsDAO would like to claim the $SAFE tokens, we do not feel that we have a staff large enough to be effective stewards for SafeDAO at this time.
Proposal Details:
MetricsDAO has a strong commitment to being meaningful participants in the partnerships we enter into, whether they are related to data analysis or not.
As beneficiaries of the $SAFE airdrop from SafeDAO and active users of Safe, MetricsDAO aims to be effective and informed participants in Safe’s governance processes upon claiming the tokens.
MetricsDAO is still growing and does not have the capability to take on Governance in a protocol outside our own at this time. However, SafeDAO has included the ability to delegate our voting power while holding the tokens.
MetricsDAO has a close relationship with Flipside Crypto. Flipside has a governance team that dedicates resources, including two full-time analysts, to participating in SafeDAO governance. We propose that we delegate our $SAFE voting power to Flipside Governance.
Why Flipside:
Flipside Governance, an arm of Flipside Crypto, was established in September 2021 to directly support, contribute, and drive participation in their partner communities. The team manages large delegations in Maker, Aave, Optimism, Hop, and operates across SushiSwap, ENS DAO, as well as Mango Markets, Marinade, Osmosis, and Cosmos
Flipside Governance aims to be a “professional delegate” across multiple L1 ecosystems, bringing unique knowledge to a myriad of DAOs.
The Flipside Governance team is active in governance forums, grants teams, and Discord servers, relying on to a wealth of Flipside data to aid in making decisions.Their votes and rationales across all the protocols they govern are publicly available, as is a dashboard tracking the size and value of current delegations.
Please note at the time of writing the delegation is 11,000 SAFE - calculations are still in development.
Given their experience operating in multiple governance processes across large DAOs, dedication to transparency, and active contributions to SafeDAO governance, we feel that Flipside Governance would be an effective SafeDAO delegate for MetricsDAO.
Voting Outcomes and Next Steps:
Yes: Claim $SAFE and delegate all voting power to Flipside Governance
No: Take no action